This is now the most popular new breakfast destination in Paris. The narrow area at the front gives way to a sober and elegant back room, dominated by a big leather sofa and a pinball machine. The management are a young couple fresh from Vancouver, intent on spreading some Canadian bonhomie through their hip little venue. On the menu, there are things like fig and caramelised hazelnut pancakes with whipped cream and maple syrup (€11.50), pancakes with fried eggs and bacon, home made granola, grilled and caramelised with fresh fruit and a jug of milk. There are also tempting savoury dishes like poached eggs with bacon, black pudding or Brebis cheese (€11.50). Coffee comes from a new local roaster in Belleville, and goes brilliantly with one of their freshly-baked, soft and chewy daily cookie specials. Getting a table will often require a wait, even a long one, since they don’t take reservations.
Address: 19 rue Lucien Sampaix, 10e, Paris
Ⓜ Jacques Bonsergent et Château d'Eau
Price: 20 €
Opening hours:
Weekdays :
9am to 5pm, kitchen closes at 2.30pm
Weekends :
10am to 5pm, kitchen closes at 3.30pm
Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Holybelly's website.
For more information, visit this website.
Photo credits: Nico Alary / Holybelly