The new Musée des Arts décoratifs is housed in a wing of the
Louvre Palace and comprises three museums: The Musée des Arts décoratifs, the
Musée de la Mode et du textile, and the Musée de la publicité.
The first holds one of the world's most important
collections of decorative arts, from the Middle Ages to the contemporary
period. The different departments of the museum show 150,000 pieces of work (graphic arts,
jewellery, toys, ceramics, furniture...)
The Musée de la Mode et du textile exhibits 86,000 pieces of work (costumes, fashion accessories and pieces of textile) from the 17th century to
the present. Creations by Chanel, Pierre Balmain, Christian Dior ou Yves Saint
Laurent are also on show.
The Musée de la publicité houses an exceptional collection of
vintage and contemporary posters, the publicity collections are regularly
enriched with television commercials, press advertisements, radio adverts and
promotional objects.
Address: 107 rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
Access: Metro: Palais Royal - Musée du Louvre, Tuileries / Buses: 21, 27, 39, 48, 68, 69, 72, 81, 95
Opening hours: 11am to 6pm
Phone: + 33 (0) 1 44 55 57 50
More information about the Decorative Art Museum here.