
In the street

Parking on the street

On mixed lanes, parking is charged from 9am to 8pm, Monday to Saturday and free on Sundays and bank holidays. Visitor parking is limited to two consecutive hours, at the local price.

On "rotating" lanes, which are very busy shopping areas, you must pay for parking from 9am to 8pm, from Monday to Saturday but it's free on Sundays and bank holidays. You can only stayed parked for two consecutive hours.

Prices: 4€ for one hour in zone 1 and 2,40€ per hour in zone 2.


The starting cost is always 2.40€.

Price A: between 10am and 5pm, Monday to Saturday (more or less 0,82€ per km)
Price B: at night from 5pm to 10am, on Sundays from 7am to midnight (about 1.10€ per km)
Price C: travel to the outer suburbs (more or less 1.33€ per km)

There’s a 2.75€ surcharge for taking a fourth passenger. The first piece of baggage is free; additional pieces over 5kg each cost 1€ extra. 


The parisian metro is probably the transport the most used by the inhabitants. It makes Paris a really well connected city. You can purchase tickets in stations, railway stations, or some post offices.

Opening hours
Sunday to Thursday: 6am - 1am 
Friday & Saturday: 6am - 2.15am 

1 ticket: 1,80€ 
10  tickets: 13,70€ 
Unlimited transport for 1 day: 6,80€ (Mobilis ticket)

Need more information? 
Call the 3246 (available during the week from 7am to 9pm and during the week-end from 9am to 5pm) or find out more in their website.


The ultimate real time public transport app for Paris


Noctiliens (night buses): 47 lines run every day of the year from 0:30am to 5:30am

Balabus RATP (Paris tour): 
Information: 3246 (0,34 € / min). 
Duration: an hour 
Rates: 5,40€ for a ride through the capital

For more informations on regular bus times and timetables, please visit their website.

Paris by bike

Take a bike, return it where you like, Vélib’ is a self-service bike system available 24 hours a day, all year round. To access the service, buy a 1-day or a 7-day ticket online or at any Vélib’ station or sign-up for a long-term subscription! More information here.